Anders Asker was born in the great land of Sverige, in the common tongue that would be Sweden. While he is extremely popular with what he refer’s to as ‘ladies’ he’s modestly decided to stick with one in particular.

Fancying himself a musician of sorts, he composes in his spare time while playing guitar in the shower, fully clothed. A habit he developed during childhood.

In addition to his musical gifts, he also has a penchant for yoga-stry. An accomplished teacher with literally thousands of hours on his hands and feed, Anders currently teaches at 24-Hour Fitness in Stockholm, Sweden, as well as It’s Yoga, and Stockholm’s legendary Studio Yogansa.

If that weren’t enough (because it certainly isn’t for Herr Asker) Anders has a deep appreciation, knowledge, and understanding of astrology. More than competent in understanding the movements of the planets, and interpreting them into actionable advice and wisdom.

Anders celebrated his 111th birthday this past Summer.